🇧🇪#比利時 KIPLING
Kipling 的設計理念"擁有一顆永遠年輕的心"
🛒 購買資訊:
這裡買: https://www.kipling-usa.com/disney/
這裡逛: https://www.kipling-usa.com/sale/
Kipling官方網站: https://www.kipling-usa.com/
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Belgian brand Kipling and Disney present a collection of bags, Kipling U.S. official website up to 50% off
🇧🇪#Belgium KIPLING
Kipling always follow the design idea of "Having a young heart forever"
Has always been light and full of functional bag design, and cheerful color matching with full of fashion and easy to style
🛒 purchase information:
U.S official present the new collection with Disney
Look here: https://www.kipling-usa.com/disney/
Up to 50% off on U.S. official website sale
Shop here: https://www.kipling-usa.com/sale/
Kipling U.S official website: https://www.kipling-usa.com/
(Please ask PAPA K. for delivery advice before purchase)
Purchasing from USA and send to Local PAPA K. warehouse is recommended
PAPA K. will take care the rest of international delivery
International Online Shopping details: https://goo.gl/qMh9U2
U.S.A. 🇺🇸 to Taiwan🇹🇼
Inquiry details: https://goo.gl/z42MBH
#Delivery #Kipling #Disney #HandBag #InternationalDelivery #InternationalOnlineShopping #GroupDelivery #ConsolidatedDelivery
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
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🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)
🐦 TWITTER: twitter.com/PAPA_K_Delivery/
🔷 Pxnet: http://infopapak.pixnet.net/blog