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🎅🎁☃PAPA K. 運輸知識達 活動問與答 Evnet Q&A

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❤#聖誕活動 最低運費每公斤$6開跑拉‼




💡 留言了,就有運輸優惠嗎?

A: 務必滿足"3項"活動辦法

"按讚" "留言+TAG" "分享"

完成"3項" 活動辦法就可以享有運輸優惠囉

💡 參加活動就有每公斤6元嗎?

A: 參加活動後要滿足運輸重量才能享有運輸優惠

20kg 以上空運 每公斤 AUD/USD7

150kg 以上空運 每公斤 AUD/USD6


💡 安排運輸,帳單會自動擁有折價優惠嗎?

A: 完成活動辦法後告知PAPA K.專員使用優惠

請於當週班機週三前提醒PAPA K.專員


💡 活動期間可以重複使用優惠嗎?

A: 可以的唷!! 凡成功參加活動


🌟最後使用優惠期限17 JAN 2018 16:00




⭐PAPA K. 於23 DEC 2017開始休假至2 JAN 2018上班⭐

提醒大家若是希望包裹於2017年寄出,務必於18 DEC前完成取件

🚚 2017末班機最後提貨時段 🚚


13 DEC 全美國及澳洲(無論郊區/ 市區)

15 DEC 雪梨/墨爾本/布里斯本/坎培拉/阿德雷德(市區)

18 DEC 雪梨及美國加州(僅市中心)

23 DEC 2017 末班機啟航 ✈


但會在JAN 2018 第一個禮拜寄出


我們會在2 JAN 2018上班時段優先答覆您


PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery

👍 粉絲專頁:

🎩 官方網站:

📫 電子郵件:

🍀 LINE : (ID: @lia4960t)


❤ X'mas event, the cheapest shipping rate in history ‼ ️

Here are some Q&A for the event

(Join the event or find out more information please link:

💡 I have only left the comment, can I get the shipping discount?

A: No, please complete "3" methods of the event to get the shipping discount

"Press like" "Leave a comment + Tag a friend" "Share "

💡 Once join the event, is any parcel shipping price USD/AUD $ 6 per KG?

A: No, in order to get the shipping discount, the packages have to achieve the condition over the numbers of KGs (USA/AUS ship to TWN only)

Air freight above 20 kg, AUD/USD $7 per kg

Air freight above 150 kg, AUD/USD $6 per kg

💡 After arranging the delivery, will the bill automatically have the discount?

A: No, after complete the event methods, please inform PAPA K. commissioner to use the discount, and also remind again on Wednesday during your parcels shipment week

We will send the bill after confirmed the qualifications of the event discount

💡 During the event, can I use the discount repeatedly?

A: Yes, you can!!

After completed the event methods once, you will be able to use the discount no matter how many times you order delivery

🌟 Discount expires on 17 Jan 2018

If there are any further inquiry about the Christmas event 🤓

Please feel free to leave a comment down below


⭐ PAPA K. taking holiday during 23 Dec 2017 to 1 Jan 2018 ⭐

Reminding for everyone, please be sure to complete the pick-up before 18 DEC 2017 if you want to be sent in 2017

🚚 Final flight of Year 2017 Notice 🚚

Final Courier Pick-Up Schedule

13 Dec - All America and Australia (Suburban / Urban)

15 Dec - Sydney / Melbourne / Canberra / Adelaide (Urban area only)

18 Dec - Australia Sydney and America California (Urban Central only)

23 Dec 2017 Last flight take off ✈

✨ If you miss the above pick-up schedule, the driver will still be able to pick-up before 22 Dec, but the parcel will be delivery in the first week of Jan 2018

✨ During the holidays, please send your inquiry by mail or message or leave a comment

We will reply at the morning on 2 Jan 2017

(For more details, please feel free to contact us)

PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery

👍 Fan Page:

🎩 Official Website:

📫 Email:

🍀 LINE : (ID: @lia4960t)

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新北市中和區立德街148巷52號4樓  /  Tel. +886 2 7752 9860


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