#取件方式 #府到府 #司機取件 #網路購物#郵局
例如🇦🇺澳洲司機取件方式之一 "包裹放門口處就好"
當地司機的取件文化, 基本上不用太擔心包裹遺失啦‼
⭐各地取件文化相關問題PAPA K.專員來指引您⭐
1⃣派司機到府取件送至當地PAPA K.倉庫
(請先詢問PAPA K.專員相關地址及營業時間)
2⃣自行將包裹直接送到當地PAPA K.倉庫
(詳細地址請詢問PAPA K.專員)
直接下訂單寄送至PAPA K.當地倉庫
詳情請參考之前的文章: https://goo.gl/srkMU8
將物流與視野同步 邁向全世界❗
Good Logistic Broaden Your Horizons❗
PAPA K.| 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K 🎩 官方網站: www.papa-k.com 📫 電子郵件: info.papa.k@gmail.com 🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)
Do you know?
Courier pick-up culture can be different between countries?
For example, one of Australia pick-up method is to place the parcel outside the door. Culture shock, but no worries‼ ️
⭐ Courier pick-up culture could be plenty, just let PAPA K. walk you through⭐
Let's introduce some Pickup Options for you.
📦Methods of pick-up
1 The driver comes to your house for pick-up, and to send to local PAPA K. warehouse.
(City and suburban costs will be based on the post number)
⚫ If the parcel is urgent, you are welcome to drop packages to your nearest courier depot.
(Further info of Depot address and business hours, please check with PAPA K.)
(Parcel drop off at the Courier Depot will not get cheaper courier charge, but save your time.)
2 Deliver the parcel to local PAPA K. warehouse by yourself
⚪ Save pick-up charge
(Please ask PAPA K. for the warehouse detail address)
3 International Online Shopping
Order and send to PAPA K. local warehouse
⚫ Request to purchasing store for international delivery packaging
⚫ Save pick-up charge
For more information, please refer to the previous article: https://goo.gl/srkMU8
4 Post office (Only for Australia)
⚪ Longer delivery time
⚪ Shipping price may be cheaper
For more information about International Delivery please search #DeliveryKnowledge
If you have any further inquiry about #InternationalDelivery#SeaDelviery #CceanFreight
Please do not hesitate to leave your comment for us❗
Good Logistic Broaden Your Horizons❗
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery 👍 Fan Page: www.facebook.com/OH.PAPA.K 🎩 Official Website: www.papa-k.com 📫 Email: Info.Papa.K@Gmail.Com 🍀 LINE : goo.gl/kwxpJc (ID: @lia4960t)