⭐PAPA K.在此也跟大家分享一個小遊戲,一起找找看圖中有幾顆復活節彩蛋呦🐣🐣🐣
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🐰 Little facts of origin about Easter🐣
⭐The Resurrection is a major festival of Christians, a symbol of rebirth and hope. Commemoration of the story of the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after the death of 30/33 A.D.
⭐The Easter bunny and Easter eggs are symbol of🐰rebirth of the spring 🐣the start with the new life
After reading this have you learn more about Easter? 💡
If you have any further inquiry about #Easter #Bunny #Eggs, please do not hesitate to leave your comment for us
⭐ Let's play a little game together, find out how many Easter eggs are there in the this picture❓🐣🐣🐣
⭐ Reminding ❤: PAPA K. holiday off from 30 MAR 2018 to 2 MAR 2018
⭐We will be back on 3 APR 2018
Easter discount from 🇦🇺 Australia & 🇺🇸 USA delivery to 🇹🇼 Taiwan
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Event ends at 14 April 2018 (Gmt+ 8)
APP Line search ID @ lia4960t to join the event lottery
Link are only available for smartphone: https://goo.gl/acB6KH
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
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