🇳🇿#紐西蘭 Trilogy
適合任何膚質 - 淡化色斑、皺紋疤痕、肥胖紋和體紋、緊致彈性肌膚、改善鬆弛下垂、修復再生功能、消除痘痕、收緊毛孔、溶解黑頭
🛒 購買資訊:
從🇦🇺澳洲Chemist Warehouse買比官網便宜六折
這裡逛: https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/Shop-Online/1028/Trilogy
Trilogy官方網站: https://www.trilogyproducts.com/
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New Zealand Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil. Global sale, No. 1 Popular Rosehip Oil
🇳🇿#NewZealand Trilogy
Trilogy Antioxidant Rose Hip Oil, a bottle is sold every minute in the world and is the top 10 sale products in beauty magazine
Suitable for all skin types - blemishes stains, wrinkles and scars, fat lines and body lines, tightens elastic skin, improves sagging, repairs regenerative functions, eliminates pockmarks, tightens pores and dissolves blackheads
Rosehip Oil including ☑ Linolenic Acid ☑ Unsaturated Fatty Acid ☑ Palmitic Acid ☑ Citric Acid ☑ Vitamins A, C ☑ Carotenoids
Trilogy pure rosehip oil also qualify New Zealand Bio-Gro organic certification, natural certification of Germany NATURE
🛒 Purchase information:
Save 40% price when purchasing from 🇦🇺Australia Chemist warehouse
Shop here: https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/Shop-Online/1028/Trilogy
Trilogy official website: https://www.trilogyproducts.com/
(Please ask PAPA K. for Delivery advice before purchase)
Australia 🇦🇺 Internet purchase
Purchasing from Australia and send to Local PAPA K. warehouse is recommended
PAPA K. will take care the rest of international delivery
International Online Shopping details: https://goo.gl/qMh9U2
✈ Australia 🇦🇺 to Taiwan 🇹🇼
Inquiry details: https://goo.gl/uJTdAi
#Trilogy #RosehipOil #Organic #AirFreight #AustraliaExpress #DiscountDelivery #DiscountOnlineShopping
PAPA K. 國際物流運輸 International Delivery
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